As we gather this second week of Advent, we prepare our minds and hearts for the coming feast of Christmas. The most important thing to do before Christmas is to prepare our souls. On Monday, December 13th, I will have multiple priests available to help with confessions from 6 until 8:30 pm. I encourage you to come at a time that suits you with your family and receive the graces necessary for the upcoming season. During these first two weeks of Advent, we call to mind the end of time, being ready and prepared should the Lord call us home in the unexpected. We are blessed to live beautiful and enriched lives and to have the grace of God walk with us always.
On November 21st, Mr. Barnes’ 10th grade Confirmation students role-played the gospel for the Feast of Christ the King. They had worked very hard in a very imaginative skit to help us realize the forces of evil that were gathering around the Lord and at the same time, the forces of good; the disciples and apostles who surrounded him with love as he began to face the trial for his execution. Let us try to surround people with good, in other words, surround them with prayer and positivity which comes directly from God.
On the same evening, our adults hosted a wonderful “Friendsgiving” evening for Antioch youth. Alyssia and Matt had decorated the auditorium beautifully and we all enjoyed a turkey potluck supper. It was good to greet some of our returning young adults who were home from college and to watch them interact with their younger peers.
Last Monday, the 22nd, the Knights of Columbus hosted a dinner of appreciation for our Bishop and the priests of our Diocese. I was delighted to attend with Fr. Marcin and Fr. Michael. The Long Valley Knights were seated at two tables, and I am grateful to the Knights from Our Lady of the Mountain and St. Marks for hosting this beautiful dinner. It is certainly nice to be appreciated as priests serving in our three different counties comprising the Diocese of Paterson.
On Tuesday, 23rd, I joined our Pre-K faculty and students for a pre-Thanksgiving lunch. It is wonderful to hear our three- and four-year-old children praying together and having fun together. A big thanks to Jeanne Soltes and her staff, who work hard every day to promote this strong Catholic educational environment where our children grow and develop academically, spiritually, and relationally. A big thanks to their parents for entrusting us with their precious little children who I know will grow into strong Catholic adults of the future. A big thanks to everybody who gave so generously towards the pantry for Thanksgiving. The Knights of Columbus, as you are aware, collected non-perishables, turkeys and money and provided support for the seniors of Chester, the Interfaith Food Pantry here in Washington Township and assisted our food pantry. In all, we were able to give more than 130 turkeys, 220 bags of groceries and 2 hams to those in need. Steve Deehan and his family, drove 73 turkeys to Paterson on Sunday because supplies were depleted. On Tuesday, 23rd, 90 more turkeys were delivered. Carlos, the Director of Catholic Charities particularly wanted to thank everybody who helped and wanted us to realize that because of our efforts we were able to help more than 130 families have Thanksgiving dinner with the trimmings. God bless each one of us, that our caring hearts and hands, bring the love of Christ to those in need. A gentle reminder that Wednesday, December 8th is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and is a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses will be at 9 am and 7 pm. Happy Advent! Fr. Owen