I hope Lent is going well for each of our parishioners. This weekend, we celebrate Laetare Sunday. On this Sunday, we reach the middle of the Lenten season and Fr. Hubert and I will wear a rose-colored vestments. This is a good time to look forward towards the end of Lent and ask ourselves how the journey is going. Lent is always a difficult season because during Lent, we strive to die to ourselves; to spend more time in prayer, to go to confession and to give alms. As I have been mentioning, the greatest gift we can give to God is attending Holy Mass. Mass is the central prayer of the church and gives us the opportunity to reflect upon Sacred Scripture and to receive the Holy Eucharist. I continue to encourage daily Mass but for those who are unable to attend daily Mass, ask yourself how your prayer experience is going, whether it is the rosary, a decade of the rosary, a reflection upon scripture, praying a station or stations of the cross.
Our children and young people are interested in our Several Sources almsgiving this Lenten season. I encourage our parents to read the Lenten corner with our young people each week and through the experience of a mom understand more of the mission of Several Sources. As we deny ourselves the luxury or a special treat, it is good to know that we are saving towards a second collection on Palm Sunday to give to moms and babies who depend on the charity of many. I was very pleased to have Conrad, our young man who as you know is the young man whose mother had considered abortion and through Several Sources chose life. What a blessing it is to have the gift of life and to give these precious babies an opportunity to grow in mind body and spirit into adulthood.
Fr. Hubert and I are very blessed by the attendance at the Monday confessions. As you are aware, confession take place in all parishes in our diocese every Monday until Holy week from 7 until 8:30 pm. It is gratifying to see so many people coming to receive the absolution that is God’s gift to us. On Tuesday, the 5th of April as I had mentioned, Fr. Alex, Fr. Mike, Fr. Anton, and Fr. Kirwin will assist Fr. Hubert and me with confessions. We, the priests will be available in the church from 6 until 8:30 pm. I strongly encourage our parents to talk to your children about the need to go to confession and help your child prepare. I have printed forms that will help every person and child to remember the formula for going to confession. As a family, look at your schedule and decide on a time that is best to receive the sacrament. Every Catholic is obliged to go to confession at least once a year and more often if necessary. This week and next week, Fr. Hubert and I will give a brief talk that should help both adults and children alike to be prepared for this wonderful sacrament. Remember, in going to confession, we must always begin with “Bless me Father for I have sinned…”, then tell the priest how long it has been and remember when the priest absolves and blesses us that everything the confessor says to the priest is under the seal of Confession. It is important to look at sin in two ways. We sin by doing wrong actions, hurting people, stealing, lying, cheating and for adults, pornography, and adultery and we also sin by Acts of Omission, not loving as we should, not standing up for others when we should, not living the commandment when we should, not praying or attending Mass as we should. While it can be challenging to call to mind the sin in our lives it is vitally important to remember what the priest of the sacrament offers; the mercy, the love and the forgiveness of God and empowers us to unburden ourselves, and through the gift of Absolution and the grace of the sacrament, be washed clean of our sins and with strength and courage continue our journey of faith. As your priests, it is both humbling and gratifying to sit in the confessional as God’s anointed. I am grateful for the sacrament of Reconciliation and very grateful for the priests who will assist Fr. Hubert and I for our parish Lenten confessions which I know through the grace of God will impact many lives.