Dear Parishioners, As we gather on this weekend of the Eleventh Sunday of Ordinary time with great joy, we honor our fathers, grandfathers, and godfathers. Recently, I was at the home of dear friends here in Long Valley and the grandfather celebrated his 80th birthday. My dear friend and former parishioner, Henry Troy had a wonderful birthday celebration at his daughter’s house with his family for which I was delighted to be part of. Everybody present gave a little witness talk. The theme of the talks really was faithful Catholic, faithful father/grandfather, a man who takes care of those he loves. I am so proud of my friend, Henry and for everything he stands for. We men are called to be imitators of the Good Shepherd; faithful, loyal and true. I hold my father Jim, among those sainted men who role modeled their faith for us, who gave without counting the cost, and was always there to help and protect us. I am godfather to my sister, Margaret, my niece Catrina, and my nephew, Owen. It has been my pleasure to be a teacher of faith and a strong positive loving influence in their lives. When I prepare couples for Baptism, I always encourage them to pick strong faithful Catholics for that role and to encourage the godparents to have a close relationship with their godchild and building a great foundation of faith so that they and their godchild can love and honor the relationship in years to come. Our Diocese of Paterson is hosting a Marian Pilgrimage to the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception on Saturday, October 14th. I asked Pat Turner, the Secretary of the Rosary Society, to be the liaison between the diocese and our parish. I will be happy to lead the pilgrimage. We will leave on Saturday morning and return on Saturday evening. A pilgrimage is a way by which Catholics enter a time of prayer and reflection. It is always about going to a holy shrine and to meditate on our relationship with the Lord and the Blessed Mother. On the way to DC, we will have some prayers, hymns, talk and yes, some fun and laughter. We are in the process of hiring a bus and we need a preliminary headcount so we can plan accordingly. There be a sign-up sheet in the narthex this weekend. I encourage individuals, couples, and families to join us and we will have a discounted rate for families. Please contact Pat Turner at (908) 229 4975 with any questions. Our Adult Antioch group recently picked the co-leaders for our upcoming September Antioch. This Antioch will take place here at St. Luke, Friday, September 29 through Sunday, October 1st. I am thrilled with the co-leaders, Michael LaVista, our parishioner and Maria Arostegui, a parishioner from St. Lawrence. Michael is a rising senior at West Morris Central. He is an active member of our 6 pm Youth community, an extraordinary minister, and a great model for his peers. Maria is involved in the St. Lawrence community, a devout Catholic with a very kind and caring personality. She is a rising senior at West Morris Mendham. During the coming weeks, we will decide on the rest of our Antioch Leadership Team and look forward to a spirited Antioch Retreat here at St. Luke. I look forward to our Vacation Bible Camp which starts on Monday. It is always an exciting time when our little ones come together and through prayer, scripture, song and mime build a personal relationship with their friend and ours, Jesus. Nina is running the camp and I know that she and her leadership team will do a tremendous job. We keep our Leadership Team and Nina in prayer during these exciting days. Fr. Hubert and I will remember all our living and deceased Dads, grandfathers, and godfathers at the masses this weekend. In the name of our parish, we thank you and know God has blessed you. Happy Father’s Day!