The Long Valley Knights of Columbus, in cooperation with St Mark's Parish and the St Mark's Christian Education Department, will begin a Novena for Life at St Mark's Church on Sunday October 20 at 12:00pm. The nine-day celebration of Life and Prayer will continue Monday 7pm; Tuesday-Living Rosary 6:30pm; Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 7pm; Saturday following the 5:30pm Mass; Sunday, October 27 following the 11am Mass; concluding Monday, October 28 7pm with guest speaker Cheryl Reilly. They are hosting these nine days of prayer to show their belief in the Sanctity of Life. Please come and add your voice to their prayers, and show your thanks for the Gift of Life!
40 Days for Life
This is a global campaign to end abortion by proclaiming the value of life from conception until natural death. Now through November 3rd offer a time for peaceful prayer in the public right-of-way outside Planned Parenthood in Washington, NJ. Contact Jennifer English at [email protected] or visit for more information.